Angela Kendall



Chief Big O, Creative Storyteller


Angela Kendall

Angela Kendall

Chief Big O and Creative Storyteller

After 30+ years in creative marketing, Angela realized she wanted to share the skills she had honed over that time with upcoming marketing professionals. But in delving into the work of curriculum development, she uncovered a far greater need. She found data that proved creative skills practices would not only benefit professionals normally thought of as “creative” but also professionals in all aspects of the workforce.

Angela is a true practitioner of creativity, believing that if you do the work, the inspiration will come. And inspiration always has. Kendall was the first to flash-mob a security trade-show. She grabbed the attention of editors at major beauty magazines with a barrage of dancing hamsters. She sent flying pigs to four-star-generals and fire chiefs to get attention for her ultra-wideband life-safety technology client. All of these crazy creative ideas garnered real results for her clients.

In her volunteer life, she produced scholarship program showcases that won national awards for production, choreography, scripting and theming.

But Angela is most proud of having the good sense to surround herself with amazing artists who have agreed to make Big O Creative Services a reality!

Angela D Kendall

Angela D Kendall

CBO (chief big O)

Myles Thoroughgood

Myles Thoroughgood

Movement Arts

Holly Tharp

Holly Tharp

Visual Arts

Erik Deckers

Erik Deckers

Literary Arts

Emily Bufferd

Emily Bufferd

Movement Arts

Julie Arrington

Julie Arrington

Visual Arts

McKinney Griffin

McKinney Griffin

Music & Photography

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Are you an artist?

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